Friday, October 2, 2015

Roots/Delicate Flower

Poem © 2015 by Joyce Mason

Revisiting my past
the places I grew up
the people who made me who I am today:
waters my roots
a human flower
survivor of many growing seasons.

How deep this structure
that supports me
through every kind of weather
excess sun/exposure,
bitter rains,
hail, frost and storms
of all kinds
assaults that bend
and even level delicate buds
but never touch the strong
rebirth medium
thick dirt sanctuary
for limitless resurrections.

Some people and places
fertilize blooming
some give ideal growing conditions
when the plant looks dead
or destroyed beyond all

These people and places
are the ribbons
that hold together
a spray of freshly picked blooms.
They make possible
a lifetime of beauty.
To them I give my bouquet.


Photo Credit: kichigin19 –