Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dreams Not Written

© 2013 by Joyce Mason
All Rights Reserved

I sleep in night vision goggles
pieces of my psyche
glow in the dark
to a center of gravity
form a montage
where my inner story
tells itself.

The stage vaster than the sky:
I see fears
old sorrows
lingering wounds
laid bare.
Sometimes the Mask of Comedy
inserts itself
adds Technicolor
and sit-com
to the Panavision.

I’ve written these stories
for so many years
notebooks full
as many as I can remember
and have time to record.

But busyness often robs me
of the best dreams
both waking and
They go unrecorded.

Yet I know
deep within:
the dreams that still live
in my body and soul
are the most powerful
weaving a script
that will tell the whole story
when I finally
fully awaken.


Photo Credit: © bruniewska –

Check out Astro-Poetry month on The Radical Virgo! Learn about all the poetry that's going on in the sky. New poems posting through April 30.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Poem © 2013 by Joyce Mason
All Rights Reserved

This dark place
between lives:
I live here too often
 waiting for the rebirth of
who I am
what I do
how I see myself
hoping I don’t come out
a freak
or worse
don’t come out at all
stuck in lost.

The darkness is a closet
without the dimmest light
not even the long dirty string
of my childhood wardrobe.
Barely a walk-in
it’s cramped to overflowing
with things that no longer
fit me.
Old masks line
the dirty walls
with chipping paint.

My discomfort
with uncertainty
 nothing new in sight
no Goodwill Store
with cheap make-do's
to carry me though
my latest transition.

No wonder
I don’t want to come out
of the closet

From this place of withdrawal
I fight the demon depression
hoping for enough strength
to beat him down.
I channel Jackie Chan
ducking karate chops
to my solar plexus.
I limbo dive
under the pitchfork.

I see depression’s beady red eyes
smell the sulfur.
He offends everything
I stand for.

Talking to myself
my words
stun me.
Maybe there’s nothing
to stand for.
Maybe it’s time
just to sit …

… to sit and contemplate
what I want to do and be
 in the last act
of my life
shelving the shoulds or dreams
I have outgrown
or the closets
full of clothes so out of style
they’re a welcome moment
of comic relief.

Maybe I should sit
and contemplate
the real me
the naked me
and what it would take
to streak down Main Street
wind in my hair
living not in-between
but right in the moment.


Photo Credit: © deviantART –

Don't forget to check out Astro-Poetry month during April on The Radical Virgo! Learn about all the poetry that's going on in the sky.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Poem © 2013 by Joyce Mason
All Rights Reserved

 I bear your
on the grid of my psyche:
endless Lake
ice cold winters
sultry summers
every childhood impression
on the South Side
of my chakras
when I was growing up,
a dangerous neighborhood.

The Windy City
bore gangsters
good schools
passion-worthy sports teams
a melting pot
bubbling to a boil.
You also bore me
but were never boring.

Still I ran
to a smaller city
then to California
as far as I could get
and still retain
country of citizenship.

I ran from the past:
joy and pain intermingled
always ready to drown me
on the Lake of Happiness and Grief.

But when I came back
on Social Security
a homesickness
set in
a cancer
in the pit of my stomach
a gnawing loss
sharp as any I’d ever known

scene of the crime
St. Bernard’s Hospital
cut off from mother
family of origin
since then reconnected

now one more reunion
I had to embrace
lost birthplace
found again
dis-ease cured
at last.


Photo Credit: An oil painting of the Chicago skyline my husband purchased circa 1971 by artist J. Scheuber.

Note: Posted in celebration of the 27th anniversary of finding my birth mother  on April 14, 1986.

Don't forget to check out Astro-Poetry month during April on The Radical Virgo! Learn about all the poetry that's going on in the sky.

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Poem © 2013 by Joyce Mason
All Rights Reserved

Weight balanced
through my core
anchored to the Earth
I sit tall
 and solid 
still as a redwood
in a cemetery
fine-tuned to
the most subtle nuances
of every noise and sensation
all around me.

A stranger to this place
at the same time
so familiar
a touchstone of bedrock
inside me
where sights and sounds
breeze by my senses
in slow motion
a place where observer mode
is the rule
and any kind of upset
is someone else’s:
the exception.

Like the early stages
of falling in love
the honeymoon
is over too soon
but I plan to do
everything I can
to keep my romance
with rootedness
until the final uprooting
where Earth yields to Air
and I wrap myself
in the ultimate
Cloak of Invisibility.

Photo Credit: Girl and the Moon © Sassolinoviola -

 Don't forget to check out Astro-Poetry month during April on The Radical Virgo! Learn about all the poetry that's going on in the sky.