Sunday, April 14, 2013


Poem © 2013 by Joyce Mason
All Rights Reserved

 I bear your
on the grid of my psyche:
endless Lake
ice cold winters
sultry summers
every childhood impression
on the South Side
of my chakras
when I was growing up,
a dangerous neighborhood.

The Windy City
bore gangsters
good schools
passion-worthy sports teams
a melting pot
bubbling to a boil.
You also bore me
but were never boring.

Still I ran
to a smaller city
then to California
as far as I could get
and still retain
country of citizenship.

I ran from the past:
joy and pain intermingled
always ready to drown me
on the Lake of Happiness and Grief.

But when I came back
on Social Security
a homesickness
set in
a cancer
in the pit of my stomach
a gnawing loss
sharp as any I’d ever known

scene of the crime
St. Bernard’s Hospital
cut off from mother
family of origin
since then reconnected

now one more reunion
I had to embrace
lost birthplace
found again
dis-ease cured
at last.


Photo Credit: An oil painting of the Chicago skyline my husband purchased circa 1971 by artist J. Scheuber.

Note: Posted in celebration of the 27th anniversary of finding my birth mother  on April 14, 1986.

Don't forget to check out Astro-Poetry month during April on The Radical Virgo! Learn about all the poetry that's going on in the sky.


Poetik said...

Gorgeous poem....
Especially love the line...

I bear your
on the grid of my psyche:

Cheers to poetry xoxox

Joyce Mason said...

Dear Poetik,

Thanks for your encouraging feedback! That metaphor came naturally since I'm also an astrologer and deal with longitude and latitude on birth charts all the time. I think the coordinates of Chicago aren't just etched on the grid of my psyche but are also tatooed on my heart.

Thanks, again--