Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Waiting Is Fullness"

A quote from Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. 

Stitched Verse will launch with its first official post on Friday, August 13, at 8:28 pm PDT.


Susannah said...

Oooh, you are launching on my birthday! What a wonderful time you picked. lol

I am looking forward to the launch, I love your poetry. x

Joyce Mason said...

Thanks, Susannah! I am so excited! I already have a comment and a follower, and I've only just put up the announcement post. Wonder where this venture will take me? You'll love the first post about certain healing aspects in the history of poetry. I am so delighted to know I chose your birthday, since I, too, am a big fan of your poetry!

Great to hear from you as always ...

Pop Art Diva Enterprises said...

I'm excited about this blog - can't wait for Friday!

Joyce Mason said...

Thanks, Pop Art! That makes two of us. I can hardly keep my head from exploding poems. It's only good timing (the blessing/curse of astrological knowledge)that keeps me from posting this second. Plus, I can't resist the opportunity to help my friends with planets in Aries practice a little patience--LOL!